WareHouse Sponsors, Partners & Host Opportunities
Anyone will tell you we’re pretty low-key. Let’s have a conversation about where you, your business, your team, your friends, can make a huge difference for Venice Area teens. For real…that could be you Making that Difference.

Event and Activities Sponsor/Partner
Every month we provide FUN events to Venice middle and high school students. If you’d like to sponsor or host an event, we’re all ears!
Website Sponsors
Keep WareHouse of Venice and D-Fy (Drug-Free Youth) opportunities and encouragement current, visible, and accessible to area youth and the community.
Young Adult Croquet Program Sponsor/Partner
Yep. It’s a real sport. And a youth sport they can take into adulthood. Sponsor t-shirts, prizes, food, and a whole lot of fun!
Van Sponsors
Keep us rolling in our 2000 Ford Econoline. We are also on the lookout for sponsors for a much-needed newer van.
Leadership/Volunteer Training Sponsor/Partner
Invest in training new and current volunteers. Youth leadership skills, engaging lessons, good food, and new friends.
D-Fy (Drug-Free youth) Pop-Up Sign-Up Host
Provide location for Venice area youth to Sign-Up or Renew.
D-Fy (Drug-Free youth) Event
Member-only drug-free reward event. Teens help plan, organize, and promote.

We love working together, with the community, to help area teens find: Hope, possibilities, positive futures, and of course, fun!
Call or contact us today! Let’s talk about the possibilities. We look forward to hearing from you.