Venice D-Fy (Drug-Free youth)
Rewards Program

How to Join
1. Complete a Venice D-Fy Membership Application
There is NO membership fee to join. The application includes a twelve-month commitment to be drug-free, alcohol-free, and nicotine-free. All members validate his/her commitment through a confidential, voluntary, drug screening when they join. Renewal is encouraged before their D-Fy photo ID expires.
2. Bring your completed application to a Sign-Up Event
Sign-Up Events are listed in Events & Activities. We can’t wait to meet you and connect you with our incredible Venice community. The WareHouse of Venice and Venice D-Fy is always on the go, working, planning, and setting up fun events for you and your friends.
Important Note: Any Sign-Ups or Renewals on campus require a parent or guardian signature.
3. Enjoy the Perks!
Once the application is validated, members receive a D-Fy photo ID. This ID gains them entrance at member-only events and drug-free rewards and discounts at local businesses. Plus free D-FY t-shirts, miscellaneous swag, and ongoing surprises.

Follow Venice D-Fy on Facebook!
Letter to Parents
D-Fy is completely voluntary. No required meetings. No membership fees. If your Venice middle or high school student is interested, have them complete the membership application along with a signature from a parent or guardian.
Have questions? View the FAQ’s listed below, call or text 941-497-7117.
a. Bring the completed Membership Application, signed by both youth and parent/ guardian, to the next D-Fy student enrollment event.
b. Enrollment events are held regularly at your youth’s school.
c. Enrollment events are conducted during your youth’s lunch periods, in the cafeteria, and other select times and locations (check website and social media for options), to:
i. Enroll students who ride the school bus and would not be able to join after school.
ii. Enroll students who participate in extracurricular activities, after school, and would not be able to join.
iii. Discourage interference with the youth’s academic schedule.
d. Your youth can decide to join before or after they eat lunch, or during an enrollment opportunity, for specific groups.
Yes, all youth must validate their commitment to being drug, alcohol, and nicotine/tobacco free, by presenting a negative drug screen.
No, school staff are never notified of student’s screening results whether they are positive or negative.
Yes, parents/guardians are contacted by the community-based organization and notified of their youth’s positive screen and are provided local resources for support.
a. Yes, this is considered a false positive. If the parent has not sent verification of their child’s prescription in advance, the parent will be contacted to verify that their child is taking prescription medicine.
b. Parents are always contacted when there are false positives (prescription medicines) or actual positives (illicit substance use).
No youth can be mandated to join D-Fy. It is a voluntary initiative.
Any youth who comes to an enrollment event and expresses that they do not want to join will not be screened to become a part of the initiative.
It Pays to be Drug-Free